Counting The Cost


Are you sure you want to become a Christian? Before you do, here are some things you should consider.

Luke 14:25-27. Once you are a Christian, Christ has to be first in your life above all other relationships. Is there any relationship that is more important to you than your relationship with Jesus?

14:28-30. Jesus may come for us today, but He may not come for another 50 years. Are you ready to follow Christ until the day you die, no matter how long that may be?

14:31-33. Are you ready to surrender everything you have into God’s hands? How about your family? Other relationships? Education? Job? Talents? Weaknesses? Material possessions? Money? Your rights? Yourself?

Have you truly repented of your sins?

Are you prepared to let the Bible determine what you believe on all doctrinal issues?

Are you committed to building up the New Testament church you learned about in study #4?

Are you determined to share this good news with others, Matthew 28:18-20?

Are you certain right now that you are lost?

What would happen if you died right now?

Do you understand what it means to be baptized?


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